Economic/Labor market overview:
- Jobs creation is lagging behind active population growth (-9% vs. +6% p.a. over 2006-2011) indicating that a stronger growth will be required in the future to absorb new entrants to labor market.
- New entrants in the labor market are estimated at 279,000 per year with a 49% average activity rate (2011 activity rate).
- Despite comparatively low participation rates (~35%), the 15-24 y.o. account for 40% of total unemployment and experience long-term unemployment with almost 2/3 of them looking for a job for more than a year.
- Youth unemployment is essentially an urban curse and affects mainly men due to their higher participation rate vs. females (50% vs. 18%).
- The informal sector’s contribution to unemployment (excluding agriculture) is at the high rate of ~25%.
- Morocco unemployment estimate is expected to increase from ~9% in 2010 to ~11% in 2015 adding more pressure on jobs.
Some insights in select sectors (estimates excluding the agriculture sector):
- Construction is Morocco’s first employer with 11% of total national employment. The sector’s demand for skilled labor is estimated at 130,000-140,000 in the next four years (2011-2015) mainly driven by large-scale construction in infrastructure, housing, and industry development
- Currently second employer in Morocco and is expected to be the second job provider with 65,000-70,000 skilled jobs within 2015, i.e. 40% of total job creation. The sector’s need for skilled labor in the next four years is estimated at 135,000-140,000
- Logistics is the fourth largest employing sector in Morocco and is expected to create ~16% of the new jobs by 2015 (third largest source for job creation), which would need about 70,000-80,000 of skilled labor force in the next four years
- Tourism is the sixth largest employing sector and is expected to be the fourth most important job provider in the next 3 to 5 years, i.e., 29% of job creation from 2011 to 2015. The sector’s need for skilled labor is estimated at 40,000-60,000.